
+351 253604444

Alcino Cunha

I’m an Associate Professor with habilitation at the Department of Informatics of University of Minho. I’m also a member (and currently co-coordinator) of the High-Assurance Software Laboratory, a research center of University of Minho and of the INESC TEC associate laboratory.


My research aims to make formal software design more accessible for all software engineers. Together with colleagues at INESC TEC and ONERA, we developed the new version 6 of the popular Alloy formal specification framework, and also Alloy4Fun, a web application for sharing and learning Alloy. I’m also interested in making formal analysis techniques easier to use by roboticists developing software with ROS. Some of these techniques are currently available in the HAROS framework. In the past, my research focused on the topic of model driven software development, namely I helped develop the Echo framework for model repair and (bidirectional) transformation.


10/07/24 I will give at talk about Alloy at Lambda World.
11/06/24 We had a paper accepted at FM 2024 about generating Alloy repair hints based on historical data.
26/01/24 I gave a tutorial about Teaching Alloy with Alloy4Fun at the FMTea tutorial series. The recording should be available soon.
02/01/24 I’m a PC member of ABZ 2024. Please consider submitting a paper.
18/12/23 Our paper Assessing the impact of hints in learning formal specification has been accepted in the Software Engineering Education and Training track at ICSE 2024!
15/05/23 Next July I’ll be lecturing at the SPECS Summer School.
01/05/23 Together with Nuno Macedo, we will give a tutorial at ABZ’23 about Teaching Alloy with Alloy4Fun.
31/01/23 The 2nd QRARSAC workshop will be held at ICRA’23 on June 2nd. If you work on the topic of robotic software quality, please consider attending.


I currently teach in the following courses at University of Minho:



Past projects:


Some selected publications:

My full publication list can be found at DBLP or Scholar.






I love traveling, photography (Flickr, Instagram, 500px), and cycling (Strava). My wife Rosa Cabecinhas is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Social Sciences at University of Minho.